Oil on canvas
Religious Paintings
Edwin Longsden Long began his career painting portraits and Spanish subjects. However, Long became succ
Edwin Longsden Long began his career painting portraits and Spanish subjects. However, Long became successful with very large historical and biblical subjects. Long's painting Babylonian Slave Market was the most expensive painting ever sold in 19th Century Victorian England. His choice of subject matter was indebted to the example of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, while his style closely resembles that of Edward Armitage.
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Producing time depends on the type of art you purchase: Acrylic painting - 6-9 days for producing, 3-5 days international shipping, you will receive it around 2 weeks after ordering. Oil painting - 6-9 days days for producing, 10 days for drying completely, 3-5 days international shipping, you will receive it around 3 weeks after ordering.
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Absolutely recommended!!!
by m**c
Paintings were fantastic! Everything was hung up and looks amazing!
by rose**Emilla
Loved it!!! Only wish it was saying cubs on the painting. haha
by me****er
These paintings are beautiful and the artist was easy to work with and created a sister custom piece for us. Love!
by n**le
This painting is breathtaking! We are beyond happy with our art! Highly recommend paying for gallery wrapping! So simple to unpack and hang! Also the customer service is 5 STAR! Prompt response and they got our painting to us exactly when we needed it! Already looking to buy more!
by j**ki
The painting is stunning, delivery was perfect.
by dim**e