Oil on canvas
Religious Paintings
The painting - Virgin and Child by Bellini, which has been in Bergamo since the 16th century,
The painting - Virgin and Child by Bellini, which has been in Bergamo since the 16th century, probably formed part of the dowry of the Carmelite nun Lucrezia Agliardi Vertova, abbess of the Sant'Anna monastery at Albino. On the parapet in front of the Virgin, a detail present in many other similar compositions, there is a fruit. Like the walled and many-towered city on the right, and the inlet on the left, it is a symbol referring to the Virgin, according to the attributes assigned to her by hymns, analects and lauds ever since the Middle Ages. The mother and child are linked, more than by the tender embracing gesture, by the rapt, reflective gaze with which the Madonna engulf her son. Virgin and Child by Bellini is the prototype from which various similar compositions derive, such as the Madonna and Red Angels of the Accademia in Venice, with the child seated on the Virgin's left knee.
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Painting turned out beautifully! Great contact with seller and received quickly. Would definitely purchase again in the future!
by S**a Sp.
I love the painting. Fits perfectly in my studio. Highly recommend this artist.
by l****er
Amazing piece, better than expected! Highly recommend and will be purchasing another piece in the near future!!!
by d***kg
Paintings were fantastic! Everything was hung up and looks amazing!
by rose**Emilla
Beautiful painting! Looks even better in person than it does in the photos. Every person who comes to our house admires the piece! Highly recommended.
by sn**t
The customer service was prompt & great! I received my painting on time (I think even before the initial deliver date) It is now my favorite painting on my walls. Thank you so much for sharing your work :)
by B**bi Jo.